Airport Engineering
The RGA team has been involved with both airside and landside improvements at airports in Colorado and neighboring states, as well as internationally.
Services Include:
(see below for representative projects)
Contact:Ricardo J.F. Goncalves, P.E. PRESIDENT Direct Line: 303-468-8484 Cell: 303-901-2367 [email protected] |
Representative Projects
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Airport engineering
Denver International Airport (DIA/DEN), Denver, Colorado
West Cargo Road
The RGA team provided the design for over seven miles of a major two-lane service road on the north and west side of DIA. The project included horizontal and vertical alignment, major drainage crossings, utility coordination, traffic signalization and construction phase services. Automated Guideway Transit System Maintenance Facility The RGA team provided design of storm water collection, pumping facility and an outfall conduit. This work included design of a pump station with the capability of pumping peak flow of 26 CFS through a 3,000-foot outfall line. Central Plant The RGA team provided site work, utility layout, pavement design and sizing of drainage structures for cooling tower rundown. Concourses A, B and C The RGA team provided final pavement elevations, infield grading and service road design for apron and taxiways surrounding Concourses A, B and C. The work included spot elevations on all concrete joint intersections and establishing final elevations for all utilities at grade. Construction Inspection Services for Area 3 This work included engineering, inspection and clerical responsibilities involving civil, electrical and safety inspections. Continental Airlines Maintenance Hanger Facility This project included full site engineering services for the hangar and administration facility situated on a 20-acre site. The design included site layout and geometry for buildings, roadways, taxiway, apron and parking areas, grading and earthwork, contaminated and non-contaminated storm sewer systems, detention ponds and contaminated runoff holding pond, de-ice fluid collection and storage system, three-stage clarification system for runoff, sanitary sewer system, security fencing, airfield striping, blast fence, specifications, coordination and construction observation. Continental Airlines South Campus Facility This project included full civil site engineering for an air cargo building, a flight services kitchen and a ground services building situated on a 22-acre site. The design included site layout and geometry of buildings, drives, parking lots, docks and apron, grading and earthwork, drainage and storm sewer system, sanitary sewer mains and services, fencing, flexible and rigid pavement design (airside and landside), specifications, cost estimates, design report and construction observation. Main Apron and Terminal Taxiway The RGA team provided design and construction documents for clean and contaminated storm sewer networks, including over 40 miles of storm sewer and over 300 inlets and manholes. The project also included initial grading design and earthwork. Peña Boulevard As a subconsultant, RGA provided roadway drainage engineering services for the design of Peña Boulevard between 64th Avenue and the E-470 Beltway. Peña Boulevard, a six-lane facility, is the primary access facility to and from the Denver International Airport. A wide center median has been reserved along Airport Boulevard to accommodate a future rapid transit line. Our firm's services on this project included drainage basin hydrology studies, sizing of major cross-drainage structures, and preparation of drainage reports and design plans. Runways 16L and 16R As a sub-consultant to Isbill Associates, the RGA team prepared detailed plans and specifications for the construction and installation of all subsurface drainage systems and erosion protection for Runway 16L/34R and associated taxiways. Services included the structural analysis and design of a vault subjected to aircraft wheel loads, design of 57,000 feet of underdrain pipe, and structural design details for headwalls, underdrain trenches, cleanouts, and riprap erosion protection. South Cargo Complex The RGA team provided storm drainage design of storm sewer systems and contaminated water collection system for the South Cargo Complex site. Design and construction documents were completed in four weeks. This inlcuded final pavement elevations, infield grading, and service road design for apron and taxiways. The work also included spot elevations on all concrete joint intersections and establishing final elevations for all utilities at grade. United Airlines Automated Parts Distribution Facility and Commuter Terminal Facility The RGA team provided design of storm drains, sanitary sewer service lines, water service lines and design of adjacent airside pavement adjoining Concourse B. United Airlines Maintenance Hangar The RGA team provided design for the 25-acre site, which included grading and earthwork for buildings, apron, taxiways, parking areas, service drives, detention ponds, contaminated and non-contaminated storm sewer systems, de-ice fluid collection and storage system, AFFF collection system, specifications and coordination with United Airlines, Denver International Airport engineers, architectural team and utility companies. United Airlines South Campus Facility The project included site grading and drainage for an air cargo building, a flight kitchen and a ground services building. Services included grading and earthwork for buildings, parking areas and drives, storm sewer systems, 3-stage clarification system and specifications. |
Juan Santamaría International Airport, San José, Costa Rica